We are living in an era of information overload. So much content is shared online that curation is needed as a way to get value out of the information flood.
- Content curation is the process of shifting through the vast abundance of content on the Internet to select the best, most relevant resource, on a specific topic or theme, so that we can organize, manage and collate the content for ourselves and share with others.
- Content curation is about working smarter and not harder. Content curation is also a reflective process; as you curate resources you reflect on their value.
Why is curation important?
Curation is a life skill and an important part of being digitally literate. Educators need to know how to curate information so they can teach students how they can curate content for research, their interests and passion.
The curation processThe curation process includes the following types of tools:
- News discovery tools – used select and aggregate the content. All about saving time by feeding you the most relevant content. Examples of news discovery tools include Feedly, Flipboard and following a hashtag in Twitter.
- Curation tools – used to display your content with context with organization, annotation and presentation.
Curation toolsThere are a gazilion tools you can use.; and which tools you use, and how you curate, is a personal as the tools you use to build your personal learning network.
Curation is as simple as:
- Find the tool(s) that you prefer to use for news discovery and for curation.
- Curate the content that helps you, and is helpful for others.
- Make it part of your routine to curate and share content.
Popular Curation toolsHere is a summary of popular curation tools:
Article source: http://www.theedublogger.com/2014/06/12/curation/