Artificial intelligence may be one of the biggest technological leaps in history. It is poised to unlock new business models, transform industries, reshape people’s jobs, and boost economic productivity. The introduction of generative artificial intelligence tools like ChatGPT has sparked a global discourse, particularly around its potential impact on the job market. A recent […]
Reconciling Cultural and Digital Transformation to Design the Future of Work
Reconciling Cultural and Digital Transformation to Design the Future of Work Rapid advancements in technology and a transforming labor market are reshaping the way people work. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are streamlining processes and helping organizations uncover data… Read more
Social media Best posting times
Social media marketing centers around getting the attention of your present and prospective customers. What is the best time to post on social media? “The best time to post on social media is when your customers (both present and prospective) are online”. When to post on Social Media in 2020 Social media eCommerce trends indicate […]
Younger generations are actually better at telling news from opinion than those over age 50
According to a new analysis from the Pew Research Center, Americans ages 18–49 were more likely to accurately categorize factual statements as facts and opinion statements as opinions. You can test your own ability here, no matter your age. Read “What is Fake News” at Fake News: Sources that intentionally fabricate information, disseminate deceptive […]
Content is the fuel that engages your audience on social media.
Content is the fuel that engages your audience on social media. To engage (meaning) to succeed in attracting and keeping somebody’s attention and interest. Here are nine proven ways to create and share engaging social media content. Stop Using Text, Start Showing. … Use High-Quality Stock Photography. … Recycle Your Evergreen Content into Infographics. … […]