Amazon helping authors write better books by using the “wisdom of crowds” Amazon is turning to its millions of users to help authors transform their manuscripts into salable titles. launched a service, called Write On, that lets authors open their book drafts to other Amazon users and ask for comments and suggestions. And it […]
What content strategists need to be successful today
What do content strategists need to understand to be successful today? In the next three years? Systems, systems, and systems. It’s not enough to make a video go viral, to design a funny infographic, to write that killer blog post. Plan for and develop the content systems that help our brands go the distance and […]
Conquering Content Marketing with Measurement
How the concept of measurement plays into content marketing: Companies see massive spikes in traffic (and sales) when the company makes news headlines, often regardless of whether it is good or bad publicity. Even turning a scandal into news can create exposure for marketing campaigns and drive traffic to the company’s website, but there is […]
Improve Product Discovery to Increase Conversions
Popular cosmetic brand Urban Decay took steps to improve discovery on its website, as the company decided to partner with Compare Metrics to help shoppers more easily find products that will fit their needs and preferences. Through the partnership, Compare Metrics is providing Urban Decay solutions for Content Curation, Adaptive Navigation and Shopping Scenarios. The Compare Metrics Content […]
Things to Keep In Mind for Content Curation
Anyone who aims to drive a successful social media marketing effort will need to get comfortable with content curation. Content has become the glue that holds the whole social marketing process together. It is not enough to write and promote your own content. To establish expertise in your field, you need to read, understand, filter, […]