Amazon helping authors write better books by using the “wisdom of crowds” Amazon is turning to its millions of users to help authors transform their manuscripts into salable titles. launched a service, called Write On, that lets authors open their book drafts to other Amazon users and ask for comments and suggestions. And it […]
5 Steps to Create a Content Marketing Strategy
You need to create content that’s unique-enough to create thought-leadership and compel organic sharing, but also make it relevant-enough to improve key marketing and business metrics. Five steps to developing a content marketing strategy: Step #1: What are Your Customer’s Problems and Obstacles? The best business content is focused on addressing your customer’s problems, while […]
Why deals are flowing into content marketing
Deals are flowing into marketing technology, online publishers, and everything in between. Since the beginning of the year, there has been more than $100 million in venture capital backed deals. So why is this content marketing growing like crazy? Consumers expect immediacy. Increasingly, brands need to meet that demand with not just massive ad campaigns, […]
10 Content Marketing Growth Hacks
Content marketing is all about growth, Creating, publishing and sharing valuable content with your audience is a surefire way to gain What turns content marketing into content hacking? It’s all about leveraging user behavior and the content you are sharing for major growth. It’s a new twist on an old story. One of the earliest […]
Toward Content Quality
How do we know whether content is any good? A good answer would help us show our employers and clients why their content needs to improve and how their content compares to the competition’s. Content checklists can help produce quality in a few hours instead of a few weeks. A common misconception of the evaluation […]