Good marketing nowadays revolves around inbound marketing. And the good news is that if you have a blog, you are already on your way toward creating a great inbound marketing strategy. Iinternet marketing gameplan by Checklist for Launching an Inbound Marketing Plan in WordPress 1) Attract: Get to know your ideal target audience and […]
The new digital retail – APIs the key to all interactions
The new digital retail E-commerce reached its prime during the late 1990s. Since then, it has gone mainstream. Recent estimates of retail e-commerce put it at about $1.4 trillion, or about 22% of overall retail commerce. By 2019, this is going to be about $2.4 trillion, or about 33% of the overall retail commerce. E-commerce […]
Introducing the New Pocket API for Developers and Publishers
Introducing the New Pocket API for Developers and Publishers It has been an incredible year for Pocket: grown to more than 6 million users, and iOS, Android and Kindle Fire apps. With 10,000 developers integrating their apps and sites with Pocket, and 45% of Pocket’s more than 1 million daily saves come from third-party apps. […]
Dell is winning fans with Influencer Marketing
Brands’ relationships with influencers are becoming more important, especially on social media. Dell is winning fans by building real hand picked relationships to capitalize on social’s most sought-after leaders Creating longstanding, deep, and mutually-beneficial relationships with social influencers which they manage. Influencers need to clearly see what kind of relationship it is, and the value […]
How to automate for sustainable, profitable growth
How to automate for sustainable, profitable growth Your business may be unique, but your similarities can take you to the bank. As you know, your business is unique, and that’s one of the key reasons why your customers buy from you, your investors invest in you, and your employees stay. Despite your uniqueness, understanding your […]