There are bloggers, influencers, associations, and even media companies that are launching or hosting ongoing events to serve your audience’s informational needs. Rather than just being a participant, some of these events could be strategic content marketing assets that you can purchase and own. Most marketers do not have this kind of experience and could […]
Why Content Marketing Fails
In the film industry, Pixar is an unparalleled success. It’s 14 animated films have won 27 Academy Awards and every single one is on the list of highest grossing animated films of all time. Yet still, in his recent memoir, Creativity Inc., the President of Pixar, Ed Catmull, laments, early on, all of our movies […]
What Netflix Can Teach Us About Content Marketing
Small business owners struggling to understand the importance of original content development can look to Netflix for an analogy. With Content marketing there’s content curation, and there’s content creation. Netflix (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Curated content is anything that was written by someone else that you happen to be sharing on your pages; it may be […]
Use Already Established Audiences to Build Your Own
Some Criteria for using an Already Established Audiences Strategy, also referred to as “Other People’s Audiences” (OPA). 1. Size Getting in front of a large audience is, in general, a good idea. But only if you satisfy the other criteria below. 2. Relevance It’s critical that you build an audience that is relevant to what […]
Easy Ways Nonprofits Can Use Content Curation
Content curation is the act of collecting, filtering and sharing the best information on a specific topic.The best content curators also add their own spin to the article, blog post or video that they share, explaining why it is important to their community and why they chose to share it. Welenia Studios created a great […]