Cover via Amazon
How to Give your Blog a Social Personality
What Social Media Personality Tests Say About Us Free personality testing sign. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Regardless of the questionable results you may get from participating in online social media personality tests, sharing your personality online, demonstrates the following: A desire for personal connection. We are designed for community. A need to reveal yourself to others. We want […]
Best timing for Publishing on LinkedIn
(Photo credit: Wikipedia) In June, LinkedIn published its 2014 Professional Content Consumption Report. This report was based on a study of how 2,701 LinkedIn members in the U.S. consume content. Here’s a look at the results, including the benefits of sharing and consuming content on LinkedIn, and the content that works on the platform. According to […]
Writing a Book? Amazon Offers a Crowdsourced Critique
Amazon helping authors write better books by using the “wisdom of crowds” Amazon is turning to its millions of users to help authors transform their manuscripts into salable titles. launched a service, called Write On, that lets authors open their book drafts to other Amazon users and ask for comments and suggestions. And it […]
What content strategists need to be successful today
What do content strategists need to understand to be successful today? In the next three years? Systems, systems, and systems. It’s not enough to make a video go viral, to design a funny infographic, to write that killer blog post. Plan for and develop the content systems that help our brands go the distance and […]