Quality is paramount to the success of content marketing; as opposed to older and more traditional forms of marketing, successful content marketing is entirely dependent on good ideas, true originality, and most importantly, giving something of value to your audience. Fantastic content grows organically, gaining exposure and momentum through coverage on blogs, websites, and social […]
5 reasons to dump your Facebook business pages
Make sure you understand the distinction between business pages and personal pages and Don’t leave Facebook as a user, just close the nearly useless business page or don’t start one in the future. Mark Zuckerberg, founder and CEO of Facebook (Wikipedia) 1. Getting “likes” or fans – on business pages is rare The reality is, […]
Reddit adds live blogging feature
This is icon for social networking (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Reddit users can now go “live” with comments, what passes for news comments and other assorted features and what passes for information. Reddit made its live blogging feature public last week after testing it for several months in a semi-public beta phase using only trusted sources and […]
Benefits Of LinkedIn Publishing
What Is LinkedIn Publishing Linked In icon (Photo credit: Wikipedia) “The time you spend on LinkedIn will make you better at your job today.” This is LinkedIn’s commitment to its members and the purpose behind the new publishing feature. LinkedIn publishing allows users to create, edit, and publish long form content to their networks. 6 […]
Most Brands Measuring Social Content Effectiveness
The Marketing Metrics Continuum provides a framework for how to categorize metrics from the tactical to strategic. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Social media provides brands with another channel for content sharing, and content marketers are looking to the next step in the process: measuring the effectiveness of this content. Based a recent study conducted by Ipsos […]