You need to create content that’s unique-enough to create thought-leadership and compel organic sharing, but also make it relevant-enough to improve key marketing and business metrics. Five steps to developing a content marketing strategy: Step #1: What are Your Customer’s Problems and Obstacles? The best business content is focused on addressing your customer’s problems, while […]
Use Already Established Audiences to Build Your Own
Some Criteria for using an Already Established Audiences Strategy, also referred to as “Other People’s Audiences” (OPA). 1. Size Getting in front of a large audience is, in general, a good idea. But only if you satisfy the other criteria below. 2. Relevance It’s critical that you build an audience that is relevant to what […]
Shareable Blog Content Tips
Creating shareable blog content is the one of the best ways to boost social media shares and increase your website traffic. Shareable blog content is exciting, engaging and worthy of readers sharing with their friends, followers and connections on social media. Tips on for creating content that gets shared. 1. Build Online Relationships Marketing online […]