Some pundits have suggested that the blog is dead, but it’s not. Blogging has simply evolved from a consumer activity into a sophisticated marketing tactic. The best marketers have figured out that if you’re going to have long-term success in this content marketing evolution, investment in owned digital properties is mandatory. 71% of marketers are […]
2016 will be the first year marketers will not have Flash to fall back on as a crutch. As an interactive element, Flash has been intertwined with the user experience since its inception. With Web design now more important than ever, marketers must turn to other tools to maximize how visitors interact with their Web […]
Increase Content Creation Without Hiring More People
One of the biggest concerns facing companies when it comes to their content marketing is how to create enough content to be effective, especially when faced with limitations in people equipped to handle such tasks. Here are a few ideas to help you increase your production of quality content: Give your old content a new […]
Work Hard to Create Great Content
Getting eyes on your content entails using a combination of SEO (search engine optimization), content curation, social media outreach, optimizing for readability, and email marketing. Content marketing creates brand loyalty by engaging current customers and attracting new ones. It gives your company a voice and positions your brand as the expert in your field. Producing […]
How a Local Business Can Improve SEO
The first step is to find the right keywords that customers use to find you. Fortunately, Google is getting much smarter about understanding how terms can relate to one another. The most valuable thing you can do for your local business is create a reasonable amount of high quality content. In today’s environment, content is […]