How do we know whether content is any good? A good answer would help us show our employers and clients why their content needs to improve and how their content compares to the competition’s. Content checklists can help produce quality in a few hours instead of a few weeks. A common misconception of the evaluation […]
The Future of Infographic Marketing
Why did infographics become so popular and why does this form of media continue to be an effective content marketing vehicle? 1. Visual marketing is easier to absorb. We are visual creatures and able to absorb visual elements quite easily. 2. Media outlets love infographics. Larger media outlets love info-graphics because they drive engagement. 3. […]
Shorter Posts On Facebook and Google Get More Interactions
The increasing usage of social media in an always-on world has created a big issue for brands with a decrease of attention span. Which social media post length gets the best attention and creates the most interactions? The Correlation Between Social Media Post Length And The Resulting Interactions Looking at the average interactions per post […]
Online Content Generation Facts
Online content generation is increasing the amount of information we receive. At the same time, the Internet and connected devices allow us to get and use it more efficiently. Here are 15 types of online content generation we create every 60 seconds. 571 New websites are created. Websites are where we establish ourselves and our […]
Tools and tips to help with content curation
What is content curation? Content curation is an art where: 1) You research and gather the best content on a niche topic for your audience, and it is relevant to their business, and it is enriched with personal opinion and expertise. Good curation produces and publishes unique and interesting content – it is not auto-posted […]