Rock Your Content Marketing World With Amplification
1. Identify themes first, then select thought leader participants that best align personally, and via their networks. This alignment will be meaningful for participant incentives to help promote the content object. Make sure the content you’re co-creating is truly awesome and people will be motivated to be a part of it. And share.
2. Design an eBook and have it modular so that individual components of the eBook can be deconstructed and promoted as individual content objects.
3. Create promotion assets that participants can use to to promote the content object. Tweets and social shares with shortened URLs can be very convenient. Create custom visual assets as well to be used in blog posts or socially shared on more visual-oriented social networks.
4. Reach out to relevant Twitter lists, Google+ circles, LinkedIn groups and Facebook pages by asking questions that draw attention to the content object. Reach out to bloggers a week or two before and then again a few days before launch. Reach out to trade journalists and monitor HARO resources for story opportunities.
5. Run social ads targeting prospective readers and influencers. Sponsor emails or send out promotional emails yourself. Use ads to run a contest where participants compete by creating tweets or other social shares and even blog posts where they share their own tips.
BONUS: Use a tool like Amplified Content Marketing by 1stonlinetech
Read more: 5 Ways to Rock Your Content Marketing World With Amplification