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The State of Big Data
The 2015 edition of Gartner’s conversation-provoking “Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies.” Big Data was poised to tumble into the Disillusion, when early interest wanes and vendors either step up and deliver or drop out. But Big Data was nowhere on the curve because it’s gone mainstream. “It’s not special today,” says Gartner “It’s just the […]
The new digital retail – APIs the key to all interactions
The new digital retail E-commerce reached its prime during the late 1990s. Since then, it has gone mainstream. Recent estimates of retail e-commerce put it at about $1.4 trillion, or about 22% of overall retail commerce. By 2019, this is going to be about $2.4 trillion, or about 33% of the overall retail commerce. E-commerce […]
Introducing the New Pocket API for Developers and Publishers
Introducing the New Pocket API for Developers and Publishers It has been an incredible year for Pocket: grown to more than 6 million users, and iOS, Android and Kindle Fire apps. With 10,000 developers integrating their apps and sites with Pocket, and 45% of Pocket’s more than 1 million daily saves come from third-party apps. […]
Our Collaborative Business Social Economy
Today’s Collaborative Economy or Sharing Network allows individuals to share goods and services with each other. This new business phenomenon has changed the way consumers use products and services, especially hotels. The Collaborative Economy, which includes companies such as Airbnb gives individuals the ability to simply request, book and confirm a product or service. This economy has […]