The 2015 edition of Gartner’s conversation-provoking “Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies.” Big Data was poised to tumble into the Disillusion, when early interest wanes and vendors either step up and deliver or drop out.
But Big Data was nowhere on the curve because it’s gone mainstream. “It’s not special today,” says Gartner “It’s just the way business is done.”
Big Data is characterizing the mounting corpus of digital data generated through and about human behavior.
- The potential value of all that data points to one of the key drivers of the Big Data market.
- Every industry is investing in Big Data in some way, if not by themselves, then by using software-as-a-service scenarios to conglomerate a solution.
Look Ahead for Big Data
There’s Big Data, and then there’s the ability to use it to solve problems.
Part of the problem is measuring ROI.
One way to shrink the Big Data analysis gap is by having machines do more of the heavy lifting.
- The pressure to create tools to better automate how Big Data is handled relates to a stark hiring reality: Finding enough data scientists to go around remains a challenge.
The focus has traditionally been transactional security, but now it’s about the analytical audit trail: the journey of the data, what was done with it, and by whom.