A lot of people say great content is in short supply, even though many good writers and content creators are out there.
A lot of great content doesn’t make the cut because it also needs marketing, and many a good content creator does not a marketer make.
Some reasons even the best content doesn’t pan out.
1. You’re not promoting it. It’s true that some great content promotes itself, but by and large, great content needs someone else to get things started and even sometimes to keep things rolling.
2. It’s not curated by the right people. These days, content curation may be even more important than content creation where marketing is concerned. Find the right curators—think of content aggregate sites that link to content on the web—to bring your content in front of a bigger audience by offering it to them or asking them to review it.
3. You’re showing it to the wrong audience. The content you put in front of a specific audience isn’t related to them.
4. It’s not driving the right kind of conversations from readers.
Source: business2community.com/content-marketing/