You’re ready for the world to know what you’re all about. How you’re different, in a better way; approachable yet alluring; easy-on-the-eyes but not flashy.
- This is your digital strategy, not your dating profile, yet courting a customer is a lot like getting a date, both require effort and contact.
- We want to attract the right match and have them come back for more.
- Eventually pick us as their best-friend-forever (BFF) by subscribing to our newsletter or following us on social media.
A Few Rules for success:
- Know your audience and who you’re attracting
A Call to Action can identify your target, show why they’re interested and what they’re looking for, just ask. You in turn can provide the right incentives to spark a conversation. Refine your pictures to attract the right crowd. - Take interest in the others person’s needs
Don’t just talk about yourself. Mention what value you offer, but remember your audience wants to see how you can benefit them. Your blog can help describe how you are “a great value” “worthy of pursuit and effort.” - Don’t be desperate or needy
Few like desperation, so don’t sell yourself short by being a nuisance, if they don’t call back, move on. Court your scene by engaging on social media. - Listen with understanding
We all want to be understood, listen to what they say; feel the sentiment on topics. Focus on what matters-most and make more love, connections.
Bonus below (after Pew): “how to look your best on a web-cam”
Michael Stuart, 1stonlinetech