A Collection of four top Infographics related to digital marketing. Includes IT, content ideas, story telling and going viral.
Google Adds Product Ads to Image Search
Image Results Have Strong Potential for Retailer Growth Product Listing Ads will now be shown in image search. The change affects both mobile and desktop searches, although Google described the news in a blog post Monday that was titled “New ways to be there and be useful for mobile shoppers.” About 34% of online retail […]
Niche influence is what companies should be consider
Digital professionals know influence is essential, especially when it comes to social media. The notion is that a few key people can spread an idea to their audiences and networks, causing a brand’s content to “go viral” or at least gain more substantial distribution than if the content were promoted to the everyday social media. […]
2016 will be the first year marketers will not have Flash to fall back on as a crutch. As an interactive element, Flash has been intertwined with the user experience since its inception. With Web design now more important than ever, marketers must turn to other tools to maximize how visitors interact with their Web […]
Brainstorming Tools for Content Generation
With content marketing being all the rage lately, the need to conduct comprehensive research on your target audience and what type of content they want to consume is huge. One of the easiest to use tools on this list is also one of the most useful. Ubersuggest takes the terms from Google Suggest and […]