Last 12 months of Facebook data for leading websites shows a noticeable decline in engagement (Less Likes, Comments, and Shares on Links)
The top ten sites include (the Huffington Post, BuzzFeed) and major news brands (the New York Times, Fox News, BBC, the Guardian).
With the decline in Facebook engagements for web content, native videos are on the rise.
- Videos are more of the overall total of post types on Facebook pages.
- Everyone has heard about the massive potential Facebook video has for engagement.
- Some publishers have shifted strategy entirely to focus on the video.
If users are spending more time watching videos from publishers, there’s less chance of them coming across a link to a story that their friend has liked.
Recent Facebook Algorithm Updates of note:
- June 12 2015 – Taking into account time spent on stories
- July 9 2015 – Updated controls for news feed
- February 1 2016 – Using qualitative feedback to show relevant stories
- April 21 2016 – More articles you spend time viewing
- Announcements around the promotion of video.
A new Pew Research report finds that 44% of the US population now gets news on Facebook .
As consumer habits change, publishers need to be aware of how their audience is finding their news.