The 2015 edition of Gartner’s conversation-provoking “Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies.” Big Data was poised to tumble into the Disillusion, when early interest wanes and vendors either step up and deliver or drop out. But Big Data was nowhere on the curve because it’s gone mainstream. “It’s not special today,” says Gartner “It’s just the […]
A Better Way for Social Sharing on WordPress Websites
Content with relevant images or content with visually stimulating images, is likely to generate 94% more views and shares on social networks, than content without appropriate images. While adding an image is an easy task, what you need to keep in mind, is that all social networks operate differently. Thus, a single image size may […]
Better Management Could Spur a New Era of Economic Growth
The Harvard Business Review says we can manage a new era of economic growth spurring innovation and efficiency. A grassroot innovation (Photo credit: rakesh_s(introspecting)) Among economists, business leaders, and others, the debate continues over “Stagnation” of the U.S. economy — and what interventions might return it to growth, and more broadly that all the “low-hanging fruit” produced […]
Use Already Established Audiences to Build Your Own
Some Criteria for using an Already Established Audiences Strategy, also referred to as “Other People’s Audiences” (OPA). 1. Size Getting in front of a large audience is, in general, a good idea. But only if you satisfy the other criteria below. 2. Relevance It’s critical that you build an audience that is relevant to what […]